What leveraging AI in hybrid security systems means for enterprises

AI security systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more common than you may realise. Many of society’s leading technologies are driven by AI technology, as their automated functions streamline processes and help people do more with less time.

Now, AI is integrating into commercial security systems and starting to revolutionise technology. Modern security systems with AI technology can help security teams better detect threats and provide faster responses to protect your business more...

Darktrace adds 70 ML models to its AI cybersecurity platform

Darktrace has enhanced its flagship AI cybersecurity platform with 70 additional machine learning models and over 80 new features.

The Cambridge-based firm was founded by mathematicians and cyber defense experts in 2013 and uses self-learning AI to protect enterprises across all industry sectors.

Machine learning is used to make thousands of “micro-level” decisions in the background as part of Darktrace’s autonomous response technology called...

MicroAI showcasing host of AI security products at CES Las Vegas

Conference Audience

MicroAI, a Texas-based edge AI product developer, is demonstrating its Launchpad quick-start deployment tool along with its new security software at this year’s CES exhibition.

The world’s largest tech exhibition, CES is taking place at the Las Vegas Convention Centre (LVCC) from 5-7 January this year.

MicroAI has partnered with communications solutions provider iBASIS to showcase Launchpad’s management capabilities at booth 12318.

Using connectivity...

BT uses epidemiological modelling for new cyberattack-fighting AI

BT is deploying an AI trained on epidemiological modelling to fight the increasing risk of cyberattacks.

The first mathematical epidemic model was formulated and solved by Daniel Bernoulli in 1760 to evaluate the effectiveness of variolation of healthy people with the smallpox virus. More recently, such models have guided COVID-19 responses to keep the health and economic damage from the pandemic as minimal as possible.

Now security researchers from BT Labs in Suffolk...

How AI video surveillance impacts the way businesses approach security

Security cameras are a great way to keep an eye on commercial spaces without being on-site, especially after-hours. While security is a 24/7 business, most organizations can’t afford to monitor their systems at all hours of the day and night. Hiring a third-party provider to monitor is expensive, and even with eyes on screens, human error still results in missed reports, slow response, and increased insurance and liability costs. 

24/7 video monitoring was previously...

UK considers blocking Nvidia’s $40B acquisition of Arm

Bloomberg reports the UK is considering blocking Nvidia’s $40 billion acquisition of Arm over national security concerns.

Over 160 billion chips have been made for various devices based on designs from Arm. In recent years, the company has added AI accelerator chips to its lineup for neural network processing.

In the wake of the proposed acquisition, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said:

“ARM is an incredible company and it employs some of the greatest engineering...

Researchers from Microsoft and global leading universities study the ‘offensive AI’ threat

A group of researchers from Microsoft and seven global leading universities have conducted an industry study into the threat offensive AI is posing to organisations.

AIs are beneficial tools but are indiscriminate in also providing assistance to individuals and groups that set out to cause harm.

The researchers’ study into offensive AI used both existing research into the subject in addition to responses from organisations including Airbus, Huawei, and...

Featured: AI News’ list of innovative companies to watch in 2021

Companies around the world have ramped up their AI deployments over the past year. As with any emerging technology, AI has brought significant opportunities but also its fair share of challenges.

In this feature, AI News takes a look at some of the most innovative companies leading the way in maximising the opportunities while minimising the challenges of artificial intelligence deployments. In alphabetical order:


Affectiva is an MIT Media Lab spin-off...

British intelligence agency GCHQ publishes ‘Ethics of AI’ report

The intelligence agency’s first-ever public report details how AI can be used “ethically” for cyber operations.

GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) is tasked with providing signals intelligence and information assurance to the government and armed forces of the United Kingdom and its allies.

Jeremy Fleming, Director of GCHQ, said:

“We need honest, mature conversations about the impact that new technologies could have on society.


Boeing-SparkCognition joint venture SkyGrid deploys AI to protect drones

SkyGrid, a Boeing-SparkCognition joint venture, has launched the world’s first AI-powered security for drones.

Drones are being used for increasingly critical purposes, including carrying vital medical supplies. Security is paramount to build the trust necessary to unlock the full potential of the emerging industry.

Amir Husain, CEO and founder of SparkCognition and SkyGrid, said:

“In the near future, we’ll essentially have a network of flying computers...