Vincent Chio, Shopify: On using AI to revolutionise the retail industry

It’s always interesting to hear how AI is revolutionising specific industries, and few companies are more qualified to comment on the impact on the retail industry than Shopify.

AI News caught up with Vincent Chio, Data Science Lead at Shopify, to hear what the company is doing in the space and how AI is improving the end-to-end retail experience.

AI News: How has AI changed the shopping experience in recent years for both sellers and buyers?


Utilising AI for retail in a post-pandemic world

Busy retail shopping centre

The capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) for retailers of all different shapes and sizes has undeniably grown across many sectors in recent years. In today’s world, retailers are beginning to develop a legitimate recognition of what it takes to properly appraise, develop and generate AI and ML-enabled solutions of the future, moving past the marketing outbreak that AI once was.

Moreover, despite the developments that have been contrived, some retailers have not yet...

Shopic AI smart carts secure further £7.2m in funding

Supermarket shelves

Retail AI solutions provider Shopic has raised an additional $10 million (£7.2m) of funding, bringing its total amount raised to $21 million.

Shopic's goal is to transform in-store shopping through its AI-powered clip-on device for shopping carts. The device recognises when shoppers add or remove items to their cart and allows them to pay without the need for a cashier or self-checkout machine.

Seemingly the next step in the nullification of supermarket employees,...

Hi Auto brings conversational AI to drive-thrus using Intel technology

Hi Auto is increasing the efficiency of drive-thrus with a conversational AI system powered by Intel technologies.

Drive-thru usage has rocketed over the past year with many indoor restaurants closed due to pandemic-induced restrictions. In fact, research suggests that drive-thru orders in the US alone increased by 22 percent in 2020.

Long queues at drive-thrus have therefore become part of the “new normal” and fast food is no longer the convenient alternative to...

Opinion: Adjusting and transforming with AI technologies

When it comes to adopting the latest technologies and enhancing service delivery effectiveness, contact centres have been silently leading the way for years. Few other parts of the business have had to adapt so quickly to the demands of today’s connected consumers, first transitioning from voice to omnichannel and then to becoming engagement hubs supporting a growing number of proactive channels of customer interaction.

For some time now, the sector has also been at the...