NCSC: AI to significantly boost cyber threats over next two years

A report published by the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) warns that AI will substantially increase cyber threats over the next two years. 

The centre warns of a surge in ransomware attacks in particular; involving hackers deploying malicious software to encrypt a victim's files or entire system and demanding a ransom payment for the decryption key.

The NCSC assessment predicts AI will enhance threat actors' capabilities mainly in carrying out more persuasive...

IMF: AI could boost growth but worsen inequality

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that AI could boost global productivity and growth, but may displace jobs and worsen inequality.

In a new analysis, IMF economists examined AI's potential impact on the global labour market. While many studies foresee jobs being automated by AI, the technology will often complement human work instead. The IMF analysis weighs up both scenarios.  

The findings are striking: almost 40 percent of jobs globally are...

OpenAI: Copyrighted data ‘impossible’ to avoid for AI training

OpenAI made waves this week with its bold assertion to a UK parliamentary committee that it would be "impossible" to develop today's leading AI systems without using vast amounts of copyrighted data.

The company argued that advanced AI tools like ChatGPT require such broad training that adhering to copyright law would be utterly unworkable.

In written testimony, OpenAI stated that between expansive copyright laws and the ubiquity of protected online content, "virtually...

Ethics, governance and data for good at the AI & Big Data Expo

AI is more than a trend and it's also not a specialist space anymore. This year, the topic was embedded across the tech conference calendar in London—with every event packed full of people keen to learn and share their experiences.

The AI & Big Data Expo stood out for its great mixture of speakers, not only targeting people working within data, but making the topics feel completely accessible to somebody like me, who isn't a data scientist by background. As the CEO of an...

MIT publishes white papers to guide AI governance

A committee of MIT leaders and scholars has published a series of white papers aiming to shape the future of AI governance in the US. The comprehensive framework outlined in these papers seeks to extend existing regulatory and liability approaches to effectively oversee AI while fostering its benefits and mitigating potential harm.

Titled "A Framework for U.S. AI Governance: Creating a Safe and Thriving AI Sector," the main policy paper proposes leveraging current US government...

Global AI security guidelines endorsed by 18 countries

The UK has published the world's first global guidelines for securing AI systems against cyberattacks. The new guidelines aim to ensure AI technology is developed safely and securely.

The guidelines were developed by the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the US’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). They have already secured endorsements from 17 other countries, including all G7 members.

The guidelines provide recommendations for...

NIST announces AI consortium to shape US policies

In a bid to address the challenges associated with the development and deployment of AI, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has formed a new consortium. 

This development was announced in a document published to the Federal Registry on November 2, alongside an official notice inviting applications from individuals with the relevant credentials.

The document states, "This notice is the initial step for NIST in collaborating with non-profit...

Biden issues executive order to ensure responsible AI development

President Biden has issued an executive order aimed at positioning the US at the forefront of AI while ensuring the technology's safe and responsible use.

The order establishes stringent standards for AI safety and security, safeguards Americans' privacy, promotes equity and civil rights, protects consumers and workers, fosters innovation and competition, and enhances American leadership on the global stage.

Key actions outlined in the order:

New standards for AI...

UK paper highlights AI risks ahead of global Safety Summit

The UK Government has unveiled a comprehensive paper addressing the capabilities and risks associated with frontier AI.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has spoken today on the global responsibility to confront the risks highlighted in the report and harness AI’s potential. Sunak emphasised the need for honest dialogue about the dual nature of AI: offering unprecedented opportunities, while also posing significant dangers.

“AI will bring new knowledge, new opportunities...

UK reveals AI Safety Summit opening day agenda

The UK Government has unveiled plans for the inaugural global AI Safety Summit, scheduled to take place at the historic Bletchley Park.

The summit will bring together digital ministers, AI companies, civil society representatives, and independent experts for crucial discussions. The primary focus is on frontier AI, the most advanced generation of AI models, which – if not developed responsibly – could pose significant risks.

The event aims to explore both the...