Research finds 1.4 million UK jobs could be automated this year

According to a Faethm AI forecast, over 1.4 million jobs in the UK could be replaced by automation this year alone.

Faethm’s mission is to prepare the world “for the future of work” by using an AI engine – trained on billions of workforce data points – to predict what jobs need reskilling versus upskilling.

James McLeod, VP of the EMEA region at Faethm, said

“Employers and employees alike need to change their perspective. The future of work is...

Learning the lessons of the past to fast-forward to the future of work

If you take a keen interest in technology and the economy, you may well have come across the term ‘fourth industrial revolution’ recently. This moniker has become a common label for the current period in which intelligent technologies such as AI, automation and robotics are becoming commonplace in our daily lives, and completely changing the nature of work. It’s not always clear, however, why it is described in this way, so let’s turn to the history books to find the...

Jack Dorsey tells Andrew Yang that AI is ‘coming for programming jobs’

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey recently told former 2020 US presidential candidate Andrew Yang that AI "is coming for programming jobs".

There is still fierce debate about the impact that artificial intelligence will have on jobs. Some believe that AI will replace many jobs and lead to the requirement of a Universal Basic Income (UBI), while others claim it will primarily offer assistance to help workers be more productive.

Dorsey is a respected technologist with a deep...

British astrophysicist Sir Martin Rees calls for a living wage in the AI era

sir martin rees ai living wage artificial intelligence astrophysicist

British astrophysicist Sir Martin Rees spoke of the need for a living wage in the era of AI during a recent speech.

The speech, titled Surviving the Century, kicked off the 2019/20 season of the Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series. Rees highlighted some of the dangers facing humanity, the outlook for humans venturing to other planets, and the use of technology to become a “post-human” species.

AI will destroy some existing jobs. There is, however, a fierce...

Most UK adults fear that AI will replace their jobs, and it might

uk adults fear ai replace jobs artificial intelligence

Research from an AI think tank and development company has found the vast majority of UK adults fear their jobs will be replaced by AI, and they might. surveyed more than 2,000 people and found over two-thirds (67%) are concerned about the impact of artificial intelligence on their careers. Just one in three (31%) believe AI will not be able to replicate the cognitive abilities of humans.

In a recent interview on the Pocket-lint podcast, Dr Alex Allan, CTO...

Gartner: AI will drive business value by supporting human decisions

gartner ai artificial intelligence business value human decisions workforce jobs

Gartner estimates that AI won't replace the workforce but instead will help to drive business value by supporting human decisions.

The use of AI to increase productivity rather than replace human workers will help to quell some fears around the adoption of artificial intelligence.

Svetlana Sicular, Research Vice President at Gartner, said:

“Augmented intelligence is all about people taking advantage of AI.

As AI technology evolves, the combined human...

AI Expo Global: Fairness and safety in artificial intelligence

AI News sat down with Faculty's head of research Ilya Feige to discuss safe and fair practices in artificial intelligence development.

Feige had just finished giving a talk entitled ‘Fairness in AI: Latest developments in AI safety’ at this year's AI Expo Global. We managed to grab him to get more of his thoughts on the issue.

Rightfully, people are becoming increasingly concerned about unfair and unsafe AIs. Human biases are seeping into algorithms which poses a...

Surprise! Machine learning jobs are high-paying and in-demand

According to a report from job site Indeed, machine learning engineer is the best job of 2019 due to growing demand and high salaries.

The career boasts a current average salary of $146,085 with a growth rate of 344 percent last year.

Tech-related jobs, in general, continue to be winners. Indeed set out to find the top 25 jobs for 2019 in their report and nine of them are comprised of tech roles.

Roles such as software developer continue to rank highly due to a...

#MWC19: AI requires innovation, values, and trust

During an MWC keynote, a range of experts and policymakers explained the keywords they believe are behind ensuring responsible AI deployments.

The keynote featured IBM’s SVP of Global Business Services, Mark Foster; the EU’s Digital Economy and Society Commissioner, Mariya Gabriel; and the Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Angel Gurria.

Foster opened the session with a foreboding tone: “What we want to talk about is...

Capgemini: AI is a $340 billion opportunity for the retail sector

French digital consultation firm Capgemini predicts AI offers a yet untapped $340 billion opportunity for the retail sector.

Retail is a major focus of AI but there’s debate over whether it will have a positive or negative on society, especially with regards to jobs. Some believe AI will assist existing jobs while others take a view it will replace workers.

Capgemini found just one percent of retailers have achieved the level of AI deployment needed to reach its full...