european parliament Archives - AI News Artificial Intelligence News Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:39:57 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 european parliament Archives - AI News 32 32 EU approves controversial AI Act to mixed reactions Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:39:55 +0000 The European Parliament today approved the AI Act, the first ever regulatory framework governing the use of AI systems. The legislation passed with an overwhelming majority of 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions. “This is a historic day,” said Italian lawmaker Brando Benifei, co-lead on the AI Act. “We have the first... Read more »

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The European Parliament today approved the AI Act, the first ever regulatory framework governing the use of AI systems. The legislation passed with an overwhelming majority of 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions.

“This is a historic day,” said Italian lawmaker Brando Benifei, co-lead on the AI Act. “We have the first regulation in the world which puts a clear path for safe and human-centric development of AI.”

The AI Act will categorise AI systems into four tiers based on their potential risk to society. High-risk applications like self-driving cars will face strict requirements before being allowed on the EU market. Lower risk systems will have fewer obligations.

“The main point now will be implementation and compliance by businesses and institutions,” Benifei stated. “We are also working on further AI legislation for workplace conditions.”

His counterpart, Dragoş Tudorache of Romania, said the EU aims to promote these pioneering rules globally. “We have to be open to work with others on how to build governance with like-minded parties.”

The general AI rules take effect in May 2025, while obligations for high-risk systems kick in after three years. National oversight agencies will monitor compliance.

Differing viewpoints on impact

Reaction was mixed on whether the Act properly balances innovation with protecting rights.

Curtis Wilson, a data scientist at Synopsys, believes it will build public trust: “The strict rules and punishing fines will deter careless developers, and help customers be more confident in using AI systems…Ensuring all AI developers adhere to these standards is to everyone’s benefit.”

However, Mher Hakobyan from Amnesty International criticised the legislation as favouring industry over human rights: “It is disappointing that the EU chose to prioritise interests of industry and law enforcement over protecting people…It lacks proper transparency and accountability provisions, which will likely exacerbate abuses.”

Companies now face the challenge of overhauling practices to comply.

Marcus Evans, a data privacy lawyer, advised: “Businesses need to create and maintain robust AI governance to make the best use of the technology and ensure compliance with the new regime…They need to start preparing now to not fall foul of the rules.”

After years of negotiations, the AI Act signals the EU intends to lead globally on this transformative technology. But dissenting voices show challenges remain in finding the right balance.

(Photo by Tabrez Syed on Unsplash)

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European Parliament adopts AI Act position Wed, 14 Jun 2023 14:27:26 +0000 The European Parliament has taken a significant step towards the regulation of artificial intelligence by voting to adopt its position for the upcoming AI Act with an overwhelming majority.  The act aims to regulate AI based on its potential to cause harm and follows a risk-based approach, prohibiting applications that pose an unacceptable risk while... Read more »

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The European Parliament has taken a significant step towards the regulation of artificial intelligence by voting to adopt its position for the upcoming AI Act with an overwhelming majority. 

The act aims to regulate AI based on its potential to cause harm and follows a risk-based approach, prohibiting applications that pose an unacceptable risk while imposing strict regulations for high-risk use cases.

The timing of AI regulation has been a subject of debate, but Dragoș Tudorache, one of the European Parliament’s co-rapporteurs on the AI Act, emphasised that it is the right time to regulate AI due to its profound impact.

Dr Ventsislav Ivanov, AI Expert and Lecturer at Oxford Business College, said: “Regulating artificial intelligence is one of the most important political challenges of our time, and the EU should be congratulated for attempting to tame the risks associated with technologies that are already revolutionising our daily lives.

“As the chaos and controversy accompanying this vote show, this will be not an easy feat. Taking on the global tech companies and other interested parties will be akin to Hercules battling the seven-headed hydra.”

The adoption of the AI Act faced uncertainty as a political deal crumbled, leading to amendments from various political groups.

One of the main points of contention was the use of Remote Biometric Identification, with liberal and progressive lawmakers seeking to ban its real-time use except for ex-post investigations of serious crimes. The centre-right European People’s Party attempted to introduce exceptions for exceptional circumstances like terrorist attacks or missing persons, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

A tiered approach for AI models will be introduced with the act, including stricter regulations for foundation models and generative AI.

The European Parliament intends to introduce mandatory labelling for AI-generated content and mandate the disclosure of training data covered by copyright. This move comes as generative AI, exemplified by ChatGPT, gained widespread attention—prompting the European Commission to launch outreach initiatives to foster international alignment on AI rules.

MEPs made several significant changes to the AI Act, including expanding the list of prohibited practices to include subliminal techniques, biometric categorisation, predictive policing, internet-scraped facial recognition databases, and emotion recognition software.

An extra layer was introduced for high-risk AI applications and extended the list of high-risk areas and use cases in law enforcement, migration control, and recommender systems of prominent social media platforms.

Robin Röhm, CEO of Apheris, commented: “The passing of the plenary vote on the EU’s AI Act marks a significant milestone in AI regulation, but raises more questions than it answers. It will make it more difficult for start-ups to compete and means that investors are less likely to deploy capital into companies operating in the EU.

“It is critical that we allow for capital to flow to businesses, given the cost of building AI technology, but the risk-based approach to regulation proposed by the EU is likely to lead to a lot of extra burden for the European ecosystem and will make investing less attractive.”

With the European Parliament’s adoption of its position on the AI Act, interinstitutional negotiations will commence with the EU Council of Ministers and the European Commission. The negotiations – known as trilogues – will address key points of contention such as high-risk categories, fundamental rights, and foundation models.

Spain, which assumes the rotating presidency of the Council in July, has made finalising the AI law its top digital priority. The aim is to reach a deal by November, with multiple trilogues planned as a backup.

The negotiations are expected to intensify in the coming months as the EU seeks to establish comprehensive regulations for AI, balancing innovation and governance while ensuring the protection of fundamental rights.

“The key to good regulation is ensuring that safety concerns are addressed while not stifling innovation. It remains to be seen whether the EU can achieve this,” concludes Röhm.

(Image Credit: European Union 2023 / Mathieu Cugnot)

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Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The event is co-located with Digital Transformation Week.

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MEPs back AI mass surveillance ban for the EU Thu, 07 Oct 2021 10:42:18 +0000 MEPs from the European Parliament have adopted a resolution in favour of banning AI-powered mass surveillance and facial recognition in public spaces. With a 71 vote majority, MEPs sided with Petar Vitanov’s report that argued AI must not be allowed to encroach on fundamental rights. An S&D party member, Vitanov pointed out that AI has... Read more »

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MEPs from the European Parliament have adopted a resolution in favour of banning AI-powered mass surveillance and facial recognition in public spaces.

With a 71 vote majority, MEPs sided with Petar Vitanov’s report that argued AI must not be allowed to encroach on fundamental rights.

An S&D party member, Vitanov pointed out that AI has not yet proven to be a wholly reliable tool on its own.

He cited examples of individuals being denied social benefits because of faulty AI tools, or people being arrested due to innacurate facial recognition, adding that “the victims are always the poor, immigrants, people of colour or Eastern Europeans. I always thought that only happens in the movies”.

Despite the report’s overall majority backing, members of the European People’s Party – the largest party in the EU – all voted against the report apart from seven exceptions.

Behind this dispute is a fundamental disagreement over what exactly constitutes encroaching on civil liberties when using AI surveillance tools.

Karen Melchior

On the left are politicians like Renew Europe MEP Karen Melchior, who believes that “predictive profiling, AI risk assessment, and automated decision making systems are weapons of ‘math destruction’… as dangerous to our democracy as nuclear bombs are for living creatures and life”.

“They will destroy the fundamental rights of each citizen to be equal before the law and in the eye of our authorities,” she said.

Meanwhile, centrist and conservative-leaning MEPs tend to have a more cautious approach to banning AI technologies outright.

Pointing to the July capture of Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries’ suspected killers thanks to AI, home affairs commissioner Ylva Johanssen described this major case as an example of “smart digital technology used in defence of citizens and our fundamental rights”.

Ylva Johanssen

“Don’t put protection of fundamental rights in contradiction to the protection of human lives and of societies. It’s simply not true that we have to choose. We are capable of doing both,” she added.

The Commission published its proposal for a European Artificial Intelligence Act in April.

Global human rights charity, Fair Trials, welcomed the vote — calling it a “landmark result for fundamental rights and non-discrimination in the technological age”.

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