Fetch.ai and Deutsche Telekom partner to converge AI and blockchain

Deutsche Telekom has announced a collaboration with UK-based AI startup Fetch.ai to promote cutting-edge AI and blockchain solutions. 

As the first major corporate partner of the Fetch.ai Foundation, Deutsche Telekom joins forces with Bosch and Fetch.ai in supporting an open AI and blockchain platform aimed at widespread adoption. Its subsidiary, Deutsche Telekom MMS, will also serve as a validator on the decentralised Fetch.ai network, helping secure transactions on the...

Bob Briski, DEPT®:  A dive into the future of AI-powered experiences

AI News caught up with Bob Briski, CTO of DEPT®, to discuss the intricate fusion of creativity and technology that promises a new era in digital experiences.

At the core of DEPT®'s approach is the strategic utilisation of large language models. Briski articulated the delicate balance between the 'pioneering' and 'boutique' ethos encapsulated in their tagline, "pioneering work on a global scale with a boutique culture."

While 'pioneering' and 'boutique' evokes...