Meta unveils five AI models for multi-modal processing, music generation, and more

Meta has unveiled five major new AI models and research, including multi-modal systems that can process both text and images, next-gen language models, music generation, AI speech detection, and efforts to improve diversity in AI systems.

The releases come from Meta's Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) team which has focused on advancing AI through open research and collaboration for over a decade. As AI rapidly innovates, Meta believes working with the global community is...

Meta raises the bar with open source Llama 3 LLM

Meta has introduced Llama 3, the next generation of its state-of-the-art open source large language model (LLM). The tech giant claims Llama 3 establishes new performance benchmarks, surpassing previous industry-leading models like GPT-3.5 in real-world scenarios.

"With Llama 3, we set out to build the best open models that are on par with the best proprietary models available today," said Meta in a blog post announcing the release.

The initial Llama 3 models being...

Meta unveils SeamlessM4T multimodal translation model

Meta researchers have unveiled SeamlessM4T, a pioneering multilingual and multitask model that facilitates seamless translation and transcription across both speech and text. 

The internet, mobile devices, social media, and communication platforms have ushered in an era where access to multilingual content has reached unprecedented levels. SeamlessM4T aims to realise the vision of seamless communication and comprehension across languages.

Boasting an impressive array of...

Meta bets on AI chatbots to retain users

Meta is planning to release AI chatbots that possess human-like personalities, a move aimed at enhancing user retention efforts.

Insiders familiar with the matter revealed that prototypes of these advanced chatbots have been under development, with the final products capable of engaging in discussions with users on a human level. The diverse range of chatbots will showcase various personalities and are expected to be rolled out as early as next month.

Referred to as...

Meta launches Llama 2 open-source LLM

Meta has introduced Llama 2, an open-source family of AI language models which comes with a license allowing integration into commercial products.

The Llama 2 models range in size from 7-70 billion parameters, making them a formidable force in the AI landscape.

According to Meta's claims, these models "outperform open source chat models on most benchmarks we tested."

The release of Llama 2 marks a turning point in the LLM (large language model) market and...

Mark Zuckerberg: AI will be built into all of Meta’s products

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled the extent of the company’s AI investments during an internal company meeting.

The meeting included discussions about new products, such as chatbots for Messenger and WhatsApp that can converse with different personas. Additionally, Meta announced new features for Instagram, including the ability to modify user photos via text prompts and create emoji stickers for messaging services.

These developments come at a crucial time for Meta,...

Meta’s open-source speech AI models support over 1,100 languages

Advancements in machine learning and speech recognition technology have made information more accessible to people, particularly those who rely on voice to access information. However, the lack of labelled data for numerous languages poses a significant challenge in developing high-quality machine-learning models.

In response to this problem, the Meta-led Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) project has made remarkable strides in expanding language coverage and improving the...

Meta calls up generative AI squad as Snap releases ChatGPT-powered bot

Generative AI is firmly in the sights of social media. Meta is forming a new product group around generative AI to focus on ‘building delightful experiences’ into all of the company’s products, while Snap has unveiled a new chatbot running on OpenAI’s GPT technology.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed the seat-shuffling in a Facebook post, stating that teams currently working on generative AI will be pulled together. Detail was light on the scale of projects, but Zuckerberg...

Meta’s protein-folding AI reminds us it’s not just a metaverse firm

Meta has unveiled a new protein-folding AI that could be revolutionary for science and the development of new medicines.

Facebook, as the company was known before changing its name, has always been seen as a leader in AI. The popular open-source framework PyTorch was Facebook’s creation and earlier this year Meta became a founding member of a foundation aiming to drive the adoption of AI.

In its pursuit to become a leader in the metaverse, changing its very company...

Meta’s chatbot hates Facebook and loves right-wing conspiracies

A chatbot called BlenderBot was launched by Meta on Friday and it’s already been corrupted by the darker parts of the web.

To ease us in with the odd but harmless, BlenderBot thinks it’s a plumber: also has thoughts on the Deep State and thinks it’s a plumber. I did not suggest this.

— Jeff Horwitz (@JeffHorwitz) August 7, 2022

Like many of us, BlenderBot criticises how Facebook...