Ethical, trust and skill barriers hold back generative AI progress in EMEA

Ethical, trust, and skill barriers hold back generative AI progress in EMEA.

76% of consumers in EMEA think AI will significantly impact the next five years, yet 47% question the value that AI will bring and 41% are worried about its applications.

This is according to research from enterprise analytics AI firm Alteryx.

Since the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI in November 2022, there has been significant buzz about the transformative potential of generative AI, with many considering it one of the most revolutionary technologies of our...

Kamal Ahluwalia, Ikigai Labs: How to take your business to the next level with generative AI

AI News caught up with president of Ikigai Labs, Kamal Ahluwalia, to discuss all things gen AI, including top tips on how to adopt and utilise the tech, and the importance of embedding ethics into AI design.

Could you tell us a little bit about Ikigai Labs and how it can help companies?

Ikigai is helping organisations transform sparse, siloed enterprise data into predictive and actionable insights with a generative AI platform specifically designed for structured,...

Why data quality is critical for marketing in the age of GenAI

A recent survey reveals that CMOs around the world are optimistic and confident about GenAI’s future ability to enhance productivity and create competitive advantage. Seventy per cent are already using GenAI and 19 per cent are testing it. And the main areas they’re exploring are personalisation (67%), content creation (49%) and market segmentation (41%).

However, for many consumer brands, the divide between expectations and reality looms large. Marketers envisioning a...

Financial services introducing AI but hindered by data issues

According to research by EXL, around 89 percent of insurance and banking firms in the UK have introduced AI solutions over the past year. However, issues with data optimisation could hinder their impact.

The researchers surveyed executives at top UK insurers and lenders about their AI strategies and found that 44 percent have deployed AI across eight or more business functions—especially in marketing, business development, and regulatory compliance. 

Nearly 9 in 10...

Stephen Almond, ICO: Prioritise privacy when adopting generative AI

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is urging businesses to prioritise privacy considerations when adopting generative AI technology.

According to new research, generative AI has the potential to become a £1 trillion market within the next ten years, offering significant benefits to both businesses and society. However, the ICO emphasises the need for organisations to be aware of the associated privacy risks.

Stephen Almond, the Executive Director of Regulatory...

Infocepts CEO Shashank Garg on the D&A market shifts and impact of AI on data analytics

Could you tell us a little bit your company, Infocepts?

On a mission to bridge the gap between the worlds of business and analytics, Infocepts was founded in 2004 by me and Rohit Bhayana, both with more than 20 years of experience in the Data and Analytics (D&A) industry. People often use the term business analytics as one phrase, but if you have worked in the industry for a long time and if you talk to a lot of people, you'll realise just how big the gap is.


Devang Sachdev, Snorkel AI: On easing the laborious process of labelling data

Correctly labelling training data for AI models is vital to avoid serious problems, as is using sufficiently large datasets. However, manually labelling massive amounts of data is time-consuming and laborious.

Using pre-labelled datasets can be problematic, as evidenced by MIT having to pull its 80 Million Tiny Images datasets. For those unaware, the popular dataset was found to contain thousands of racist and misogynistic labels that could have been used to train AI...

Ash Damle, TMDC: Data-based business decisions in real-time

A collection of clocks.

Ash Damle, Head of AI and Data Science at TMDC, explains how the company is humanising and democratising data access.

AI News: The Modern Data Company (TMDC) aims to “democratise” data access. What are the benefits to enterprises? 

Ash Damle: Modern companies are data companies. When a data company’s best asset, its data, is only accessible by a handful of individuals, then the company is only scratching the surface of what data can do.

Democratisation of...

UK eases data mining laws to support flourishing AI industry

The UK is set to ease data mining laws in a move designed to further boost its flourishing AI industry.

We all know that data is vital to AI development. Tech giants are in an advantageous position due to either having existing large datasets or the ability to fund/pay for the data required. Most startups rely on mining data to get started.

Europe has notoriously strict data laws. Advocates of regulations like GDPR believe they’re necessary to protect consumers, while...

How sports clubs achieve a slam dunk in loyalty with data

The way we watch, engage, and interact with our favourite sports clubs is undergoing a seismic shift. Recent UK research suggests that data will now have a more important role in fan engagement than ever before. In this article, we take a closer look at what this means for sports clubs serious about future-proofing their strategy to attract and retain loyal fans.

Matchday may be the ‘pinnacle’ for sports fans, but for sports clubs, the real battleground is that period between...