UK and South Korea to co-host AI Seoul Summit

The UK and South Korea are set to co-host the AI Seoul Summit on the 21st and 22nd of May. This summit aims to pave the way for the safe development of AI technologies, drawing on the cooperative framework laid down by the Bletchley Declaration.

The two-day event will feature a virtual leaders' session, co-chaired by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, and a subsequent in-person meeting among Digital Ministers. UK Technology Secretary...

IPPR: 8M UK careers at risk of ‘job apocalypse’ from AI

A report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) sheds light on the potential impact of AI on the UK job market. The study warns of an imminent 'job apocalypse', threatening to engulf over eight million careers across the nation, unless swift government intervention is enacted.

The report identifies two key stages of generative AI adoption. The first wave, which is already underway, exposes 11 percent of tasks performed by UK workers. Routine cognitive tasks like...

EU approves controversial AI Act to mixed reactions

The European Parliament today approved the AI Act, the first ever regulatory framework governing the use of AI systems. The legislation passed with an overwhelming majority of 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions.

"This is a historic day," said Italian lawmaker Brando Benifei, co-lead on the AI Act. "We have the first regulation in the world which puts a clear path for safe and human-centric development of AI."

The AI Act will categorise AI systems into...

AIs in India will need government permission before launching

In an advisory issued by India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) last Friday, it was declared that any AI technology still in development must acquire explicit government permission before being released to the public.

Developers will also only be able to deploy these technologies after labelling the potential fallibility or unreliability of the output generated.

Furthermore, the document outlines plans for implementing a "consent popup"...

OpenAI: Copyrighted data ‘impossible’ to avoid for AI training

OpenAI made waves this week with its bold assertion to a UK parliamentary committee that it would be "impossible" to develop today's leading AI systems without using vast amounts of copyrighted data.

The company argued that advanced AI tools like ChatGPT require such broad training that adhering to copyright law would be utterly unworkable.

In written testimony, OpenAI stated that between expansive copyright laws and the ubiquity of protected online content, "virtually...

Is Europe killing itself financially with the AI Act?

Europe is tinkering with legislation to regulate artificial intelligence. European regulators are delighted with this, but what does the world say about the AI Act?

Now the outlines for the AI Act are known, a debate is beginning to erupt around its possible implications. One camp believes regulations are needed to curb the risks of powerful AI technology, while the other is convinced that regulation will prove pernicious for the European economy. Is it out of the...

White House secures safety commitments from eight more AI companies

The Biden-Harris Administration has announced that it has secured a second round of voluntary safety commitments from eight prominent AI companies.

Representatives from Adobe, Cohere, IBM, Nvidia, Palantir, Salesforce, Scale AI, and Stability attended the White House for the announcement. These eight companies have pledged to play a pivotal role in promoting the development of safe, secure, and trustworthy AI.

The Biden-Harris Administration is actively working on an...

UK government outlines AI Safety Summit plans

The UK government has announced plans for the global AI Safety Summit on 1-2 November 2023.

The major event – set to be held at Bletchley Park, home of Alan Turing and other Allied codebreakers during the Second World War – aims to address the pressing challenges and opportunities presented by AI development on both national and international scales.

Secretary of State Michelle Donelan has officially launched the formal engagement process leading up to the summit....

Beijing publishes its AI governance rules

Chinese authorities have published rules governing generative AI which go substantially beyond current regulations in other parts of the world.

One notable requirement is that operators of generative AI must ensure that their services adhere to the core values of socialism, while also avoiding content that incites subversion of state power, secession, terrorism, or any actions undermining national unity and social stability.

Generative AI services within China are...

China’s deepfake laws come into effect today

China will begin enforcing its strict new rules around the creation of deepfakes from today.

Deepfakes are increasingly being used for manipulation and humiliation. We’ve seen deepfakes of figures like disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried to commit fraud, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to spread disinformation, and US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to make her appear drunk.

Last month, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced rules to clampdown on...