IPPR: 8M UK careers at risk of ‘job apocalypse’ from AI

A report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) sheds light on the potential impact of AI on the UK job market. The study warns of an imminent 'job apocalypse', threatening to engulf over eight million careers across the nation, unless swift government intervention is enacted.

The report identifies two key stages of generative AI adoption. The first wave, which is already underway, exposes 11 percent of tasks performed by UK workers. Routine cognitive tasks like...

JumpCloud report reveals SMEs conflicted about AI

JumpCloud today announced the findings from its Q1 2024 small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) IT Trends Report, “State of IT 2024: The Rise of AI, Economic Uncertainty, and Evolving Security Threats”. The report provides updated survey results and new findings to the company’s biannual SME IT Trends Report, which was first released in June 2021.

The latest edition of the report delves into the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on identity management, security...

Telcos to spend $20B on AI network orchestration by 2028

Telecom companies are expected to increase their spending on AI for automating network management to $20 billion by 2028, a new report from Juniper Research found. This would represent a 240 percent rise from estimated spending levels in 2024 of $6 billion.

The researchers predict the investment growth will be necessary as telcos expand 5G networks globally and develop future 6G networks. The AI software will play a vital role in optimising network performance and security; the...

The UK is outpacing the US for AI hiring

A new report finds that the UK has been growing its AI job market faster than the US over the last five years. 

Analysing job listings data, the report by AIPRM found that – between 2017 and 2022 – the average yearly growth rate for AI hiring was 1.2% in the US. This compares to 1.22% in the UK over the same period. 

The UK's strong performance means it outpaced other major economies like India (1.19% growth), Canada (1.26%), and Brazil...

Experts from 30 nations will contribute to global AI safety report

Leading experts from 30 nations across the globe will advise on a landmark report assessing the capabilities and risks of AI systems. 

The International Scientific Report on Advanced AI Safety aims to bring together the best scientific research on AI safety to inform policymakers and future discussions on the safe development of AI technology. The report builds on the legacy of last November's UK AI Safety Summit, where countries signed the Bletchley Declaration agreeing to...

Financial services introducing AI but hindered by data issues

According to research by EXL, around 89 percent of insurance and banking firms in the UK have introduced AI solutions over the past year. However, issues with data optimisation could hinder their impact.

The researchers surveyed executives at top UK insurers and lenders about their AI strategies and found that 44 percent have deployed AI across eight or more business functions—especially in marketing, business development, and regulatory compliance. 

Nearly 9 in 10...

NCSC: AI to significantly boost cyber threats over next two years

A report published by the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) warns that AI will substantially increase cyber threats over the next two years. 

The centre warns of a surge in ransomware attacks in particular; involving hackers deploying malicious software to encrypt a victim's files or entire system and demanding a ransom payment for the decryption key.

The NCSC assessment predicts AI will enhance threat actors' capabilities mainly in carrying out more persuasive...

IMF: AI could boost growth but worsen inequality

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that AI could boost global productivity and growth, but may displace jobs and worsen inequality.

In a new analysis, IMF economists examined AI's potential impact on the global labour market. While many studies foresee jobs being automated by AI, the technology will often complement human work instead. The IMF analysis weighs up both scenarios.  

The findings are striking: almost 40 percent of jobs globally are...

Dynatrace: Organisations embrace AI, yet face challenges

Research from Dynatrace sheds light on the challenges and risks associated with AI implementation.

The report underscores the need for a composite AI approach. This involves combining various AI types – such as generative, predictive, and causal – along with diverse data sources like observability, security, and business events. This holistic strategy aims to provide precision, context, and meaning to AI outputs, ensuring reliable results.

Key findings:


Quantum AI represents a ‘transformative advancement’

Quantum AI is the next frontier in the evolution of artificial intelligence, harnessing the power of quantum mechanics to propel capabilities beyond current limits.

GlobalData highlights a 14 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) increase in related patent filings from 2020 to 2022, underscoring the vast influence and potential of quantum AI across industries.

Adarsh Jain, Director of Financial Markets at GlobalData, emphasises the transformative nature of Quantum...