Chuck Ros, SoftServe: Delivering transformative AI solutions responsibly

As the world embraces the transformative potential of AI, SoftServe is at the forefront of developing cutting-edge AI solutions while prioritising responsible deployment.

Ahead of AI & Big Data Expo North America – where the company will showcase its expertise – Chuck Ros, Industry Success Director at SoftServe, provided valuable insights into the company's AI initiatives, the challenges faced, and its future strategy for leveraging this powerful...

Ethics, governance and data for good at the AI & Big Data Expo

AI is more than a trend and it's also not a specialist space anymore. This year, the topic was embedded across the tech conference calendar in London—with every event packed full of people keen to learn and share their experiences.

The AI & Big Data Expo stood out for its great mixture of speakers, not only targeting people working within data, but making the topics feel completely accessible to somebody like me, who isn't a data scientist by background. As the CEO of an...

AI & Big Data Expo: Ethical AI integration and future trends

Grace Zheng, Data Analyst at Canon and Founder of Kosh Duo, recently sat down for an interview with AI News during AI & Big Data Expo Global to discuss integrating AI ethically as well as provide her insights around future trends. 

Zheng first explained how over a decade working in digital marketing and e-commerce sparked her interest more recently in data analytics and artificial intelligence as machine learning has become hugely popular.

At Canon, Zheng’s team...

AI & Big Data Expo: Unlocking the potential of AI on edge devices

In an interview at AI & Big Data Expo, Alessandro Grande, Head of Product at Edge Impulse, discussed issues around developing machine learning models for resource-constrained edge devices and how to overcome them.

During the discussion, Grande provided insightful perspectives on the current challenges, how Edge Impulse is helping address these struggles, and the tremendous promise of on-device AI.

Key hurdles with edge AI adoption

Grande highlighted three primary...

AI & Big Data Expo: Demystifying AI and seeing past the hype

In a presentation at AI & Big Data Expo Global, Adam Craven, Director at Y-Align, shed light on the practical applications of AI and the pitfalls often overlooked in the hype surrounding it.

Craven — with an extensive background in engineering and leadership roles at McKinsey & Company, HSBC, Nokia, among others — shared his experiences as a consultant helping C-level executives navigate the complex landscape of AI adoption. The core message revolved around...

AI & Big Data Expo: AI’s impact on decision-making in marketing

In a presentation at AI & Big Data Expo Global, Jason Smith, Chief Digital Officer of Publicis Groupe, shared insights into the role of AI in reshaping decision-making processes within the realm of advertising and marketing.

The focal point of Smith's presentation was a strategic experiment conducted by his team to explore the potential of AI in reducing noise and bias inherent in decision-making. Smith began by addressing the common perception of decision-making and the...

Paul O’Sullivan, Salesforce: Transforming work in the GenAI era

In the wake of the generative AI (GenAI) revolution, UK businesses find themselves at a crossroads between unprecedented opportunities and inherent challenges.

Paul O'Sullivan, Senior Vice President of Solution Engineering (UKI) at Salesforce, sheds light on the complexities of this transformative landscape, urging businesses to tread cautiously while embracing the potential of artificial intelligence.

Unprecedented opportunities

Generative AI has stormed the...

Umbar Shakir, Gate One: Unlocking the power of generative AI ethically

Ahead of this year’s AI & Big Data Expo Global, Umbar Shakir, Partner and AI Lead at Gate One, shared her insights into the diverse landscape of generative AI (GenAI) and its impact on businesses.

From addressing the spectrum of use cases to navigating digital transformation, Shakir shed light on the challenges, ethical considerations, and the promising future of this groundbreaking technology.

Wide spectrum of use cases

Shakir highlighted the wide array of...

Bob Briski, DEPT®:  A dive into the future of AI-powered experiences

AI News caught up with Bob Briski, CTO of DEPT®, to discuss the intricate fusion of creativity and technology that promises a new era in digital experiences.

At the core of DEPT®'s approach is the strategic utilisation of large language models. Briski articulated the delicate balance between the 'pioneering' and 'boutique' ethos encapsulated in their tagline, "pioneering work on a global scale with a boutique culture."

While 'pioneering' and 'boutique' evokes...

Cyber Security & Cloud Expo: The alarming potential of AI-powered cybercrime

In a packed session at Cyber Security & Cloud Expo Europe, Raviv Raz, Cloud Security Manager at ING, turned the spotlight away from traditional security threats and delved into the world of AI-powered cybercrime.

Raz shared insights from his extensive career, including his tenure as technical director for a web application firewall company. This role exposed him to the rise of the "Cyber Dragon" and Chinese cyberattacks, inspiring him to explore the offensive side of...